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Contact US
The conservation of our resource is a very important issue for us. We have more and more requests to use the International Appalachian Trail for commercial purposes. To do this, we offer established a fee schedule.
It is mandatory to pay for access to the trail if you are a travel agency, independent guide, promoter of a sporting event or challenge followed by a team, etc.
Commercial access to the Trail does not include accommodation.
Projects must be submitted to the SIA.
This excludes NPOs and businesses near the trail with a prior agreement between the third party and the administration.
1 hr
95 Canadian dollars1 hr
105 Canadian dollars1 hr
115 Canadian dollars1 hr
135 Canadian dollars1 hr
150 Canadian dollars1 hr
175 Canadian dollars1 hr
200 Canadian dollars1 hr
255 Canadian dollars1 hr
255 Canadian dollars
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